Forest Rangers Continue Hurricane Sandy Deployments

Friday, November 30, 2012

As the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy transitions from rescue and emergency response to recovery, The New York State Forest Rangers continue to deploy resources. 

Communities in New York remain devastated in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Many areas lack the critical emergency services and infrastructure needed to recover. Governor Cuomo has placed the coordination of Security, Emergency Communications, Feeding Stations, Shelters, and Debris Removal amongst his highest priorities. At the request of the New York State Office of Emergency Management’s Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, the New York State Forest Rangers have been asked to deploy Officers trained in emergency management to assist as members of the State’s Incident Management Team.


Forest Ranger Captains David Brooks and Timothy Byrnes, along with Forest Rangers Michael Burkholder, Bryan Gallagher, Scott Jackson, Peter Liebig, Adam Pickett and Michael Thompson are currently assigned to the SANDY 2-Breezy Point Command post in Queens. From this location, these Officers are coordinating the deployment of vital resources to the still devastated communities of Breezy Point and Roxbury.


New York State Forest Rangers will continue to deploy resources to assist communities in their recovery from Hurricane Sandy.